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Modern Backup & Recovery

Business Backup & Recovery Solutions

Protection Level 1:
Cloud Backup

Welcome to the Modern Age. Nobody wants to be backing up to External Hard Drives as they can fail, lost or stolen, and subjected to fire & flood. We’ve all heard the tried and true saying, “Don’t store all your eggs in one basket?” Have an offsite Backup via TechBytes cloud service. We keep your Data safely stored away in a secure, incremental backup solution! Offering Daily, Hourly, or even real-time syncing to our platform. All Data is located here in Ontario, and can be picked up or dropped off locally if needed.

Need more space, call us for a custom solution!

Protection Level 2:
Backup Disaster Recovery Service

So you’ve heard of backing up your data on a flash drive, or external hard drive, possibly even the cloud, however have you ever considered your data isn’t your Windows Operating System, Programs, or system preferences? TechBytes is here to protect your Computers from all the lurking disasters such as Viruses, Ransomware, Fire, Flood, and Theft!

We aren’t your typical backup solution, our monthly service does daily or even hourly clones of your entire server or even workstations. What does this mean in plain English? When disaster strikes, we simply restore your server or workstation from our cloned copy and your backup and running same day, without having to painfully install all your programs and needing hours or even days of configurations. You don’t get that with a simple external drive!

Call for more details.

Protection Level 3:
Backup Disaster Recovery and
Spare Virtual Server Service

Don’t let the technical name taught you, this service truly is both powerful & amazing! Let’s dive in! Everything from Protection Level 2 is included. This is a Backup Disaster Recovery (BDR) with a more dynamic feature set! This is the most robust service in our arsenal, getting you up and running right where you left off, and fast! Allowing us to virtually awaken a duplicated Server we previously cloned from our stage 2 services. Yes, you are reading that correctly! We are providing you a spare Emulated server to keep you up and running until the primary physical machine is fixed! This is your no compromise getter done solution!

Consult is required in determining infrastructure and requirements.