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Everything below is a huge factor within the security category and the more that are deployed the better and safer you and your staff can be.

Physical Security

Security Camera’s – Camera’s and perceived presence is indeed an effective deterrent but its always recommended to touch on more than just pointing and setting up a few cameras. Accessible via PC, Laptop, Phone for cloud based assurances and local access through TV’s connect to the security Network.

Access Control – Full access control and logging is available for premises monitoring including timeclocks, door sensors and temperature sensors. Smart control gives you the peace of mind that everything is as it should be.

Digital Signage – Ensuring everyone is up to date and has the information accessible is huge when dealing with multiple employees. Allow TechBytes to Host and Manage your signage install, maintenance and Advert creation with 0 hassle to you!

Training Staff – It’s a huge factor in network and physical security and should be every companies priority as your staff members with access privilege’s are usually your weakest link. Training your staff to look for specific things with both emails, websites and more to better

Network Security

Backup & Recovery – Imagine being able to restore and recover pivotal data directly over the internet. In today’s day and age, we can actually do 1 even better. Check out our Backup & Recovery Page for information on the a’ la carte backup services OR our more attractive MSP packages found here.

Threat Management – Having a pre-emptive approach with threat management allows us to tackle the bad guys before they have already arrived on the network. Security updates, threat management and reports are all available through our packages.

24/7 Monitoring – Why not monitor 24/7 and get appropriate information regarding the network security in a brief easy to read report. Check out our MSP plans for information.

Cyber Security – Covering yourself from all angles is in your best interest and the Internet can be a scary place. Don’t leave yourself unguarded and use the same pro-active approach instead of a reactive approach! Have our team check over your infrastructure and make sure you are not leaving pivotal areas unchecked!